"As a U.S. resident, I was concerned about losing value from not seeing a coach in person. From the first FaceTime session, I realized how wrong I was. Ricky is one of the most empathetic and genuinely caring individuals I've ever "met", period."

Among the most gifted trainers/therapists of his generation, I can attest to Ricky Gill’s effectiveness in bringing transformation to individuals and groups.
I have learned from Ricky whilst he has taught on a number of leadership programmes. His delivery is well paced, insightful, and energetic and I have seen him achieve results, even with the most resistant clients.
Ricky applies his considerable experience as a personal performance coach to athletes and as a therapist in the field of addictions to his work with mainstream audiences. As such his work is values based, targeted, grounded in deep knowledge and capable of engendering consistent excellence.

Since 2002, Ricky has dedicated his life to coaching, therapy and training, helping to positively shape the lives of thousands of people from all over the world. His professional life is richly diverse. Much of that experience is testament to his willingness to use his skills in challenging environments. As such, he has been equally instrumental in rehabilitation centres, the boardroom, the family home and the arena of professional sport.

I realised I wanted to dedicate my life to helping people rebuild and optimise their lives.
Studied Transactional analysis by Eric Berne, this was the first in-road into Psychological work.
Began work in adventure education as a High and Low Ropes Instructor initially in the USA and then the UK. I found the outdoors a great place to help with psychological growth
Began working with at-risk young people in RBKC and Westminster.
Qualified as an FA Level 2 Football Coach
Began leading groups in a London based Advanced Football Development Centre associated with London based Premier League teams. This is where I started working with Academy players as a one to one technical skills coach.
Qualified as an NLP Practitioner and started working with private clients on personal and professional issues. This became the bedrock of my ongoing professional work and would grow exponentially into an international coaching practice.
Worked in the USA for Major League Soccer as a Development Coach. Created a coaching syllabus for Shelton Youth Soccer in Connecticut.
Qualified as a Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming. Gained a diploma in Hypnotherapy and Certified as an NLP Coach by the Co- founder of the field John Grinder.
Took a huge leap and started facilitating Psychoeducation and Therapeutic breakthrough groups in London based Drug and Alcohol Recovery Centres. I was only 23. I would do this for the next 7 years and learn how to rebuild people's lives from the ground up!
Began creating customised NLP based skills training in the public sector, focussing on youth workers and educators. There were a lot of well intentioned people in this space who needed specific changework techniques.
Qualified as an Ericksonian Hypnotherapist and then as a Master Hypnotherapist with field leaders John Overdurff and Julie Silverthorne.
Qualified as Trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP, and Humanistic Neuro Linguistic Psychology HNLP with John Overdurff and Julie Silverthorne. This was another huge year for me! I also got married!
Began licensed training in NLP and HNLP. The early days saw lots of traditionally trained therapists who wanted to learn solution focused and breakthrough approaches
Began Organisational Consulting, Coaching and Training in the private sector. The early days involved the banking and telecommunications sector. I took a deep dive into Organisational Psychology, working in Assessment and Development Centres as an approved assessor in the Schroder Performance Management Competency Framework. I would then coach and train identified 'talent' within organisations.
Qualified as a Master HNLP Coach by the field Developers John Overdurff and Julie Silverthorne. This is where 'brain based' coaching techniques took off. Qualified as an Advanced Trainer of Hypnotherapy.
Started to offer my existing base of trained coaches, licensed training in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy. This is one of my go to techniques in helping with clients who are stuck or overwhelmed.
I have now amassed an enormous vault of therapeutic and breakthrough approaches and started the creative challenge of integrating this knowledge into my own Psychology framework. My private coaching practice is now international and includes public media figures, professional athletes, company executives and founders.
I began to teach topics in private seminars that addressed the salient topics that affected people living in modern societies. This was called the 'Magical Mind series'. The 2 day 'deep dive seminars' were hugely popular and created a bit of a storm!
I realised that if I wanted to create my own model, there was still more I needed to integrate. I reflected on my own coaching practice and could see people were having issues within 7 key areas of life! This made me collate the breakthrough techniques I had used as well as explore the deeper themes at play.
I began extensive research and learning on the 'missing fields'. These included Evolutionary Psychology, Interpersonal Neurobiology, Developmental Psychology, The Neuroscience of Mindfulness, Quantum Mechanics applied to Consciousness, Worldwide Philosophy, Family Systems, Clinical approaches to Mental Health treatment, Longevity and Health Research as well as Positive Psychology.
I started to formally codify my preferred methods of coaching and therapeutic work in the 7 most prominent areas client's need help with. The positive results with clients were dramatic.
I created the Resilient Life System. This is my own framework for Psychology Coaching and Training to help tackle systemic issues in 7 key areas of life.