Expert Psychology Coaching using The Resilient Life System
The Resilient Life System is a science informed methodology to tackle human challenges across 7 core areas of life.

The Resilient Life System is a science informed methodology to tackle human challenges across 7 core areas of life. These 7 areas represent the eco-system of our lives and a doorway to living full, rich and meaningful lives.

Rapid alterations in technology and culture have left a trail of disruption, presenting us with systemic challenges in fulfilling fundamental human needs. Modernity, for all its benefits, requires novel thinking to the complex challenges we face in our personal and professional lives.
Here, you’ll find leading breakthrough coaching processes, agile ideas and innovative therapeutic tools to alleviate suffering and ignite life affirming growth.
Let's go deeper. What does it all mean?
“With mental peace and clarity you broaden your capacity for progress”
Meditation is a central practice of a Resilient Life. Ricky encourages you to take a step back and observe your inner life. When we observe from a stance of openness, we get to know the moods, modes and intentions which lead us to familiar places in our lives. With mindful being you are able to consciously direct these default tendencies. The aim is to develop greater sense of agency over the thought processes and emotions that would otherwise direct your life. With regular practice you’ll attain a vast array of benefits, such as better regulation of mood, improved response to stress, the ability to feel fear and still approach challenges, greater regulation of your physical energy, mental clarity and deep focus.
Ricky shares some of the leading neuroscience informed meditation practices available today. As your personal instructor he can help you reach exceptional states of mind, thus reducing your learning curve considerably. His practices are relied on by a wide array of clients, ranging from company executives, lawyers, construction workers, young people, athletes and stay at home parents alike, who all credit the techniques with giving them greater wellbeing, optimism and resilience in their lives.
“The wound is the place where the light enters you” Rumi
Mental health rarely enters our thinking until it’s significantly compromised. Clients often realise they need professional help when the distress they feel either doesn’t go away by itself or interferes with their ability to cope with daily life. Over time, missed opportunities for healing can impair our ability to live full and meaningful lives. Most people will go through intensely stressful and sometimes distressing life events. Often, we bounce back, but at times the mind can become rigidly stuck or overwhelmed. Ricky has extensive experience in helping rebuild the lives of clients who have been impacted by conditions such as trauma, chronic stress, anxiety, addiction, illness and loss.
It’s not uncommon that the symptoms people want to get rid of, were once valuable adaptations to the struggles of life. Therefore it’s essential to make sense of your experience within the context of who you are today and the events you’ve lived through. These initial steps help to reinstate a sense of psychological ease as you begin to gain much needed emotional space and perspective. Ricky can then help you to, regulate mind and mood, heal inner wounds and find a fresh inspiration for how to approach life.
Ricky is a generational talent in this space, his approach encompasses leading psychoeducation, carefully chosen techniques from Neuro linguistic Programming; the creative use of therapeutic hypnosis and a range of innovative neuroscience informed coaching tools. He applies all of these within the context of a genuinely caring relationship.
“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures”.
F. M. Alexander
Ricky brings his deep knowledge of health and habit psychology to improve your energy, mood, health and performance. Whether you are changing your relationship with food, stopping drinking or improving strength and fitness, it is essential to cultivate vitality, in order to live a life of purpose.
We are in a progressive era of science which offers a wealth of knowledge on how to enjoy a better relationship with your body, gain vitality, be more productive and potentially live longer. The information is freely available to anyone who is motivated enough to find it, and of course sort through it! What we do with our bodies has never been more in focus. If information alone was enough, we would have a population who is strong, fit and largely free from disease.
Habits are often a source of psychological comfort as they were once successful strategies in helping us to deal with difficult emotions and real life challenges. Because of this, it’s vital to understand their origin, the varied functions they have served over time, as well as the unwanted impact they have on you today. We know that over a lifetime the cost of bad health habits becomes greater by shortening the ‘health span’ (time spent in vitality) and lengthening the ‘disease span’ (time spent in illness). If you’ve ignored some of the warning lights on the dashboard or tried to use willpower and failed, it’s probably time to contact Ricky.
“Step by step ferociously”
If you want to make a significant impact in your career and be rewarded accordingly, there are many factors to consider. Ricky starts by looking at your present life stage and broader priorities. A shift in ‘life stage’ can influence your entire ecosystem. The way you approach your career wants to be in harmony with broader aims and priorities. This means intelligently adapting the way you work and using good judgement about what to strive for.
When addressing dissatisfaction Ricky will help you look at the positioning of your strengths within an organisation. A good role utilises your natural strengths. These are the cognitive, behavioural and attitudinal qualities that are most natural to you. Using your strengths is both energising and satisfying, hence the reason why it’s important to be in a working environment that enables them to flourish.
Talents are the tip of the spear in your career. Being an exceptional leader, marketer or chef! This is what you can leverage for commercial gain. Therefore, it’s essential to know the talents which are valued in your sector.
If you are feeling stagnant, dissatisfied or even overwhelmed, Ricky’s professional help
“A vital thinking partner to help you grow”
As a business owner it is essential to have an intelligent thinking partner in the decision-making process. The conduit of open dialogue and analysis can be an essential filtration mechanism that prevents personal biases and limitations from unduly influencing the life of your business. Understanding your own psychology, as well as the psychology of staff, customers, the market at large, and stakeholders, can help you continually refine your strategy and communication.
When dealing with businesses, Ricky not only works as a thinking partner to the business owner but works closely with the leadership team, their dynamics, and the culture they create. At other times, Ricky will custom build psychology-based training and talent development programs to help your workforce optimize their performance. He brings extensive experience of working within organization development and with business owners, as well as talented entrepreneurs in a number of key sectors.
“This is where we apply the principles of relational psychology to help you grow a loving relationship”
Relationships can be fulfilling and painful in equal measure. When we approach the challenge of developing a loving relationship on the basis of positive psychology, we invest in a source of fulfilment and resilience over a lifespan. But clearly, things aren’t that straightforward.
When Ricky works with couples, he takes his time to understand their difficulties so he can intervene at the right ‘logical level’, often tackling sensitive ‘unconscious’ material such as expectations of roles, differing values, as well as the varied inner conflicts and enduring vulnerabilities which shape relationships. When the source of suffering and discontent is understood in this wider context, there will be powerful clues about how people can transform their life narrative.
With great care, Ricky helps couples to reflect on themselves and own the important work they need for psychological growth. His breakthrough techniques can help form life-changing moments in a therapeutic setting.
At each stage of a person’s development, new demands are placed on family systems. When these developmental shifts are met with misunderstanding, cracks in unity begin to appear. When cracks are ignored or poorly handled, family systems begin to teeter on the edge. Continued conflict and unmet needs in families can cause long-ranging harm on the psyche as other family members act as ‘internalised parts’ that go with us wherever we are.
Coaching with Ricky can help you to dial down the distress, get distance and gain invaluable perspective on how to navigate these psychological effects. You’ll discover how families can change their culture and grow in a new direction together. You’ll learn how conflict can be a window into deeper integration and the steps you must take to engage in healing dialogues and processes.
Family coaching can be powerful, transformative, and have positive ramifications for multiple generations of people. Ricky has a unique skill in bringing people together safely and distilling the mechanisms by which a family can become a sanctuary and a safety net for all of its members.